- Inform the harasser that his or her attentions are unwanted. 告诉骚扰人他/她的注意是不需要的。
- Another possibility is that the individual used his or her power ton control others. 另一种可能是,当事人利用他/她的力量来掌控他人。
- Clearly, the idea there is that the commenter should be in full control of his or her comments. 显然,思想,有评论认为,应在完全控制他或她的意见。
- Is that his or hers? 那是他的还是她的?
- It is expected by every enterpriser that his or her goods will be sold in every part of the world. 让商品行销世界,是每一个企业家的期望。
- Meanwhile, someone else is discovering that his or her spouse has methodically concealed an affair. 同时也会有人刚发现了自己的配偶精心策划掩盖了风流韵事。
- The winner pocketed 4,000 euros and the satisfaction of knowing that his or her humpbacked hot-rod is the fastest camel in Germany. 胜利者不仅能得到4,000欧元奖金,同时也证明他(她)的骆驼是德国最快的。
- If it misleads, the visitor will quickly click off, if not angered, at least frustrated that his or her time has been wasted. 如果标题有误导性,访问者会立即离开,即使不生气也会很沮丧,因为浪费了他们的宝贵。
- What do you anticipate the first thing is that a child will do his or her new laptop? 您希望孩子们使用新的笔记本电脑做的第一件事是什么?
- This wizard sets up a new username and password for someone to use with this computer, so that his or her desktop settings will be automatically preserved. 该向导将为使用该计算机的每个用户设置新的用户名和密码,以便自动保存每个用户个人的桌面设置。
- My son told me that his teacher said that United States is a country full of immigrates.She asked each student to write a report about his or her ancestor's homeland. 儿子坦然相告:老师说美国是移民国家,让每个同学写一篇介绍自己祖先生活的国度的文章。
- For a user roaming among these networks, it is desirable that his or her mobile device can have anytime connectivity, and therefore vertical handoff becomes an important issue. 对于漫游在这些网路之间的用户而言,他们希望不管漫游到哪个网路中,都能够随时随地连接上线。因此,垂直无缝交递成为一个重要的问题。
- If member find that his or her account is used by any unauthoritative situation or breach of security, please contact www.21477.cc immediately. 会员若发现有任何非法使用自己的帐号或存在其他安全漏洞的情况,可立即通知都市富人网。
- Mike: Is that his car behind the Chevy? 迈克:雪佛莱后面是他吗?
- The reasonwhy he left his work is that his health is not good. 他放弃工作的理由是因为健康不佳。
- One might typically thank God or the gods for learning that the recipient was in good health or that his or her family prospered. 一般是为到收信人的健康或其家庭的丰裕而感谢神或所拜的偶像。
- My own assessment is that his skills are superior to his father rs. 我估计他的技术要超过他父亲。
- Hart: Is that his whip mounted underneath that photo over there? 哈特:那张照片下安放的马鞭,就是他当时用的吧?
- The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed. 最可能的解释是他的飞机晚点了。